Make Your Perfect Sparkling Cherry Lemonade


This sparkling cherry lemonade recipe tastes just like a cherry limeade! It’s the most refreshing drink you’ll make this summer.

Looking for the perfect cool and refreshing drink to go with your summer grill parties, mornings on the porch, or relaxing evenings? Are you tired of basic lemonades and want something new and fresh?

Well, look no further: this sparkling cherry lemonade is here to fulfill all your needs and it’s so easy to make you’ll be asking yourself why you haven’t thought of it yourself.

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Homemade Cherry Lemonade

Cherry lemonade is more than just cherry syrup in lemonade. When you want to get the perfect balance of sweet and tart flavors, you have to add a few more ingredients to it.

You can scroll right down to the recipe if you want. But if you do, you’ll be skipping some really helpful tips!

This homemade sparkling cherry lemonade recipe is perfect for a backyard BBQ, relaxing at the pool or just a quick refreshing treat on those hot summer days! With just a few ingredients, you’ll have a delicious summer drink in no time! Check out the full recipe at Easy Recipe Depot.

What You Need

Before you begin, you’ll need a few kitchen tools and ingredients. Grab these before you start mixing everything together.

Kitchen Tools

Here’s what you’ll need from the store. The exact amounts are in the printable recipe card at the bottom of this post.



Here are some tips that will help you make perfect cherry lemonade the first time.

How To Pit Fresh Cherries

When in season, as they are in summer, you definitely want to use fresh cherries. But, they require pitting, which isn’t always fun, but it’s worth it.

If you don’t have a fancy cherry pitter, you can use the old bottle trick: place a cherry on the opening of a glass bottle and push down on it with a straw. All the pits will fall into the bottle and you will be left with cherries ripe for blending (make sure you’re wearing an apron when pitting, because it can get very messy).

Use Real Lemons (Optional)

This next step is optional. You can save a lot of time and buy pre-made lemonade from the store.

If you want to make homemade lemonade, pick out the best lemons.

Go for organic if you can, but most importantly, go for the nice, ripe ones that will give you a lot of juice. A good tip is to put the lemons in the microwave for about 30 seconds and give them a good roll on the counter before squeezing to get the maximum juice out of each one.

Use A Blender

Using a blender is also optional, but it mixes everything together perfectly.

If you used fresh cherries and lemons, blend it for long enough on a high setting, because you don’t want any large bits of cherries in your drink. Take care you leave a few of the prettiest cherries on the side for garnishing.

If you want to make your drink extra smooth, you can strain it through a sieve, but keep in mind you’ll lose a lot of the flavor that way, since a lot of the cherries will be left behind. When you are ready to serve, spoon a couple of tablespoons of the mixture into a glass over the ice, and top it off with some sparkling water. Yes, it’s that easy.

Best Sparkling Water

Use carbonated water or club soda. Don’t use tonic water, it has a bitter flavor. Lemon or Lime seltzer water will taste delicious with the lemonade.

Use Different Types Of Fruit

You can use this same method to create sparkling lemonade with many other fruits. Berries work especially well, but you can also try peaches, mango, or some other tropical fruits to see what you will get.

Make sure you make enough to serve everyone with more than one glass, because they will definitely be asking for seconds.

Chill The Drinks

For maximum flavor, be sure that your ready-made lemonade and carbonated water are chilled. We prefer this route so that the ice doesn’t dilute the flavor, but feel free add ice to your liking. You can also serve it in a chilled glass to keep it cool.

Maraschino Cherry Syrup

Maraschino cherries are usually sold in jars in the baking section of your favorite grocery store. The syrup that we talk about in this recipe is the syrup from that very same jar! So you don’t have to purchase two separate ingredients!

Ingredient Alternatives

If you want this recipe to be 100% homemade, then feel free to make a serving of our Easy Homemade Lemonade and then add in equal parts of carbonated water.

Also, if you find yourself making this recipe over and over and your jar of maraschino cherries have run out of syrup, you can also use grenadine syrup. It may alter the taste a little bit, but will be super delicious!

Serving Ideas

And before we prepare it, we have to figure out how we want to serve it.

If you are entertaining a lot of guests, you can prepare this in large jugs, already pre-mixed with the sparkling water. Add some mint leaves, whole cherries and lemon slices to float on top, and let people pour it themselves.

It is also a great drink for on-the-go, when having a picnic, or if you just want something delicious to drink during the day. Just place your reusable water bottle in the freezer with a little bit of water overnight to get a good, icy base.

Pour your drink, and you are ready to go! If you are having a grown-ups only party, you can substitute the sparkling water for some sparkling wine and get an instant favorite with all of your guests. The cherry mixture itself is great to mix into many cocktails and mocktails, so you can have fun creating different things.

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Sparkling Cherry Lemonade

Print Recipe
Learn how to make your very own Sparkling Cherry Lemonade in a few easy steps! This beverage makes for a great alternative to pink lemonade!
Prep Time:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes




  • 3 cups ready-made lemonade chilled
  • 3 cups carbonated water chilled
  • 3 tbsp maraschino cherry syrup
  • 1/2 cup maraschino cherries


  • In a pitcher, stir together lemonade and carbonated water
  • Add maraschino cherry syrup, followed by the cherries
  • Stir and serve in individual cups
Servings: 6 cups

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If you enjoyed this cherry lemonade, here are some more drink recipes you should try next.

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